Stalked Tunicates

Stalked Tunicates (Culeolus sp.)

Tunicates are chordates, with small tadpole-shaped larvae and adult forms that are generally sessile filter feeders. They can be found in an array of shapes, sizes, and colors in shallow and deep marine waters. But some species of deep-sea benthic tunicates transform into "venus flytrap" type ambush predators that can snap shut around small, moving prey species like tiny crustaceans and other invertebrates. There are both "stalked" and "predatory" tunicates with different body shapes. The stalked type generally have a long, thin attachment stalk that grips onto a hard surface and supports a cuplike body composed mainly of cellulose. Many species are still being discovered and described. 

These individuals were found attached to the cage protecting the Slope Base Shallow Profiler mooring electronics, in ~250 meters of water, and was first seen in 2024. The mooring itself is in 2900 meters of water.
