What a Past Few Weeks: Legs 2 and 3 Successfully Completed
It has been an exceptionally busy past few weeks onboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson since the ship depart for Leg 2
It has been an exceptionally busy past few weeks onboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson since the ship depart for Leg 2
September 1: Sampling Deep Sea BiologyThis cruise is such a wealth of opportunity and education. Last night I was able to take
August 31: Days Fly By at Sea It’s crazy to think about how much has happened in such a short amount of
September 1: Research At Sea I got to sleep in today which was really nice. Around noon, Rob Fatland did a mini-talk
August 26-27: Arriving at Axial Seamount The 26th was slow and easy-going given the nature of the dive involved. J2-1372 was a
August 29: Smokers and Sulfur When I woke up this morning, for once, there wasn’t a dive going on – but I
August 29: Getting the Dive I had agreed to wake up earlier than usual to meet with Laura and start loading the
August 27: On Watch in the Jason Control Van My day started off at 3:45 am in the Jason Van where I