Blue Ciliates
Blue Ciliates (Folliculinopsis sp.) These deep blue, single celled protists reside on basalt substrates and are very common surrounding hydrothermal vents along
Blue Ciliates (Folliculinopsis sp.) These deep blue, single celled protists reside on basalt substrates and are very common surrounding hydrothermal vents along
Sea Spider (Ammothea verenae) Sea Spiders are not Arachnids but belong to Class Pycnogonida: spider-like marine Arthropods. They have four pairs of
Unidentified Crustacean (Lithodidae sp.) A deep-sea crab from the family Lithodidae was seen crawling around the equipment and on the pillow basalts
Squat Lobster (Munidolopsis alvisca) This Crustacean is light tan in color and has six walking legs, and two significantly larger claws. A
Spider Crab (Macroregonia macrochira) Spider Crabs are major predators and scavengers at Axial Seamount. They belong to Order Decapoda, and therefore have
Plumose Anemone (Metridium farcimen) These large, fluffy-looking white (or occasionally orange) anemones are often found on OOI infrastructure in shallow coastal waters
Giant Pacific Octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) These large octopuses can grow up to 33 lb, with an arm span up to 4.3 m
Flapjack Octopus (Opisthoteuthis sp.) These small cirrate octopuses (often confused with Dumbo octopuses) are some of the deepest-living known octopus species. They are
Rosy tritonia nudibranch (Tritonia tetraquetra) This large, pink nudibranch can be found all across the North Pacific, but has only rarely been
Deep-sea dorid nudibranch (Bathydoris aioca) A large, deep-sea nudibranch, or sea slug, this gastropod is found on soft sediments in the deep