Welcome to the OOI-RSN* cabled ocean observatory web page with information for the fishing community.
Safety Advisory flyers showing the location of our instrumentation and known areas of cable exposures are posted as .pdfs and may be downloaded via the links to the left.
The OOI-RSN cable routes and safety zone coordinates are also available digitally in various formats (Nobeltec, Olex, Coastal Explorer, kml). If you would like a copy, please email us at: ioceans@uw.edu
Upon completion of the OOI-RSN in early 2015, you will be able to access current, temperature, salinity, and other useful data via this website.
In the meantime, please follow our progress via the main OOI-RSN website, which will include details of our July – October 2014 VISIONS '14 expedition that will be completing construction of the observatory infrastructure.
*The Ocean Observatories Initiative Regional Scale Nodes (cabled ocean observatory) is funded by the National Science Foundation. The University of Washington leads the cabled observatory efffort.