Nichole Sams (Leg 1)

Nichole Sams (Leg 1)

My name is Nichole Sams and I am a PhD Student in Human-Centered Design and Engineering. My goal is population level mental health improvement. My research passions are novel implementations of mental health ingredients in systems of care and education to facilitate mental health equity and autonomy in neurodiverse and underrepresented populations and how to technology can support population mental health improvement. I’m originally from the PNW enjoying my free time chasing the sun, paddleboarding and doing music festival camping with my chosen communities.

To explore is to be human. I believe that expeditions, whether on the Visions Expedition to Axial Seamount, or Ice Measuring in Antarctica, or biome documentation on Mars + Beyond, are the most beautiful novel places we can understand ourselves individually and our collective momentum as humans.