After leaving port the morning of July 2, the R/V Thompson steamed ~ 36 hours to Axial Seamount, over 300 miles offshore. During this transit, the ROPOS crew, and scientists and engineers finished preparations for the first dive and also took in some quiet down time after the busy weeks of preparation prior to the cruise. Bodies became adjusted to the rhythm of the ship, and to standing with legs far apart to maintain balance on a gently rocking ship. Safety meetings were held, and all science party members practiced putting on emergency survival suits (gumby suits), and learned about emergency procedures. The weather gods shined on us and we made good speed under blue skies and calm winds, arriving above the summit of the volcano at ~ 8 pm. The robotic vehicle ROPOS began pre-dive preparations for a series of short bounce dives to work out any possible kinks from having had the vehicle out of the water for several months over the winter.