Greetings! I am Alex Andronikides, currently a senior studying Geology at Queens College in New York. At the moment, I am working with Prof. Longpre, a volcanologist and igneous petrologist at Queens College. I analyze the crystal cargo found in hand samples and thin sections from several eruption sites located in Lanzarote, Canary Islands. My goal in academics is to be an educator and explore Earth’s internal processes using the latest technologies and techniques available in all fields of science. Being a part of the Visions ’17 Expedition will be a great chance to witness the state-of-the-art instruments along the Cable array at work and analyze the data attained to use in a practical sense. I am extremely excited to network and work closely with others and earn my responsibilities aboard the research vessel. On weekends, you can find me working on a local farm, and during my free time, I indulge in the listening and creating of music. Cheers!