Deep-Sea Octopus
Deep-Sea Octopus (Muusoctopus sp.) Muusoctopus is a genus of octopus found worldwide in deep, cold waters. They are generally small to medium-sized,
Deep-Sea Octopus (Muusoctopus sp.) Muusoctopus is a genus of octopus found worldwide in deep, cold waters. They are generally small to medium-sized,
Zoroaster Sea Stars (Zoroaster sp.) We have encountered several species of Zoroaster sea stars, a widespread genus of mostly deep-water echinoderms, at
Pedicellasterid Sea Stars (unidentified species) Several species of pedicellasterid sea stars have been seen at Southern Hydrate Ridge. These carnivorous, five-armed sea
Hippasteria Sea Star (likely Hippasteria californica) Hippasteria is a genus of sea star in the family Goniasteridae (which is very diverse), mainly
Brisingid Sea Stars The Brisingidae are a family of deep-sea sea stars, named after Brísingamen, a necklace belonging to Freya from Norse
Sea Pens (unknown species) Sea pens (order Pennatulacea) are colonial marine cnidarians that are widely distributed in tropical and temperate waters worldwide,
Branching Bryozoans (likely Bugula sp.) Bryozoans (also known as “moss animals”) are a phylum of simple, aquatic invertebrates, nearly all living in
Bubblegum coral (Paragorgia arborea) These soft corals in the family Paragorgiidae are commonly known as “bubblegum coral” because of the shape of
20 August 2023 We’ve been on weather hold for a few days now. That means that the wind, and therefore the water,
16 August 2023When I loaded up a zoom call with Debbie Kelley of the Regional Cabled Array last October to discuss collaborating