Cataloging the Inhabitants Along the OOI Cabled Array
The National Science Foundation's Ocean Observatories Initiative (NSF-OOI) has installed a network of instruments, undersea cables, instrumented moorings, and more technology that spans the Western Hemisphere. The Cabled Array monitors a wide range of sites across the Juan de Fuca Plate, including Axial Seamount, Southern Hydrate Ridge, Slope Base, and overlaps with the Coastal Endurance Array along the Oregon shelf. The Biology at OOI Cabled Array Catalog has high definition video and photos that provide spectacular views of the biology found living at these sites. View the information, images and video related to the many different biological organisms that have been observed over the years of Cabled Array expedition cruises.
This catalog is designed as a growing archive. We hope that knowledgeable individuals will help to improve the quality of the information presented here. Have an addition or revision? Please fill out our revision form.