Category: Mollusks

Bushy backed sea slug

Bushy backed sea slug (Dendronotus frondosus) The bushy backed sea slug (or nudibranch) is native to the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific Ocean.

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Cockatoo Squid

Cockatoo Squid (Taonius borealis) The Cockatoo Squid is a species of cranchiid (or glass squid) with their stocky arms held above their

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Babysitter Snails

Babysitter Snails (Neptunea amianta) These snails lay eggs in a spiral tower; the adult snail sits on top of the tower until

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Vesicomyid Clam

Vesicomyid Clam (Calyptogena sp.) These clams thrive in hydrogen sulfide rich environments, like the methane seep at Einstein’s Grotto at Southern Hydrate

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