Category: Biology Catalog

Corallimorph anemone

Corallimorph anemone (Corallimorphus sp.) The corallimorph anemone or mushroom anemones are similar to sea anemones. They lack a calcareous skeleton but also

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Poralia rufescens

Poralia rufescens Very little is known about this jellyfish, except that it lives in deep waters. It was previously spotted in the

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Hermit Crab

Hermit Crab (Pagurus sp.) Hermit crabs belonging to the genus Pagurus use snail shells as homes. There are over 170 species of

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Scarlet King Crab

Scarlet King Crab (Lithodes couesi) The Scarlet King Crab is a deep-sea crab found at depths below 350 m along the Pacific

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