Category: Daily Blog 2014

International District Complete

With good weather, we are making rapid progress in completing all major tasks planned for the summit of Axial Seamount during Leg 1. Yesterday, upon completion of the Central Caldera geophysical Site, we made a full court press on a major hydrot

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Central Caldera Complete

It has been a marvelous, exciting, intense past 24 hours with the successful installation of the 4.7 km extension cable that will connect Primary Node 3B with the Central Caldera geophysical Site. Giora Proskurowski and Skip Denny, working with

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Installing the Central Caldera Site

With great diving weather, the ship has been abuzz with activity preparing for dives to the Central Caldera geophysical site. Last night the medium powered J-Box MJ03F was installed on Dive R7124, and a broadband seismometer and low frequency hy

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Installation Complete At Eastern Caldera

Today is an exciting day — it marks completion of instrument installation at the Eastern Caldera Site at the summit of Axial Seamount. This site is one of three key geophysical sites on the volcano as part of the OOI-RSN cabled observatory funded by NSF.

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Weather Day in the NE Pacific

Yesterday’s Dive (R1712) went very well: we completed all of our tasks. The ROV ROPOS came on deck at 2115h. In preparation for the next dive at PN3A, a junction box was moved to the ROV working platform, and a cable drum was readied for installat

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