Off to Sea We Go
The Ocean Observatories Cabled Array team from the UW School of Oceanography is about to set off on another 47-day exciting expedition
The Ocean Observatories Cabled Array team from the UW School of Oceanography is about to set off on another 47-day exciting expedition
Days 3 and 4 of the final leg of the 2017 OOI Cabled Array O&M Cruise were filled with a wide variety of activities. Jason Dive J2-1007 visited the International District Hydrothermal Field
The final leg of the 2017 OOI Cabled Array Cruise got underway at approximately 12:30 pm PDT on Sunday as the R/V Revelle pulled away from the NOAA dock in Newport, OR
Leg 2 has come to a close and preparations are underway for Leg 3 of the NSF-funded Ocean Observatories Initiative Regional Cable Array Cruise.
We arrived at Axial Seamount after a 19 hr steam to find the seas a bit bumpy still. To use the time wisely until we could dive a deep water CTD cast was conducted to get additional measurements of ocean parameters to verify cabled mooring instr
Following the completion of work at the Southern Hydrate Ridge methane seep site, the R/V Revelle transited to Slope Base to install an HPIES (horizontal electric field, pressure and inverted echo sounder) instrument that provides insig
Yesterday under calm seas we completed work at the Oregon Offshore site, turning one of the Benthic Experiment Platforms (BEP)
We came into Newport, Oregon on August 7 after completing our dives at the Oregon Offshore Site. After watching the Seattle weather, we appreciated the cooler overcast conditions in Newport. The R/V Revelle sat off the entrance to the channel at
Somehow in the past few days, time has sped up. It seems amazing that we will be in port on Monday. Time out here is different. For those of us who have spent much of our time on the R/V Thompson, its sister ship the R/V Revelle..