Category: Daily Blog 2018

Getting in the Groove

Through late last night and the wee morning hours of today, ROPOS worked to stretch out their new umbilical tether that provides power and communications to/from the vehicle. Diving to a depth of 2900 m (~9500 ft) takes about 3 hrs with

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Leg 6 Underway

The sixth and final leg of the UW RSN installation field season begins as the Thompson heads out into a Pacific that has been roughed up by a recent storm.

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Calm before the storm

After two long and complex mooring deployments on Leg5, the Thompson is headed back to Newport to gear up for the next leg and to weather a huge storm brewing just offshore.

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Madison Shipley Blog

It’s Sunday. We’re transiting home. So sad! I will miss the open ocean, but hopefully we’ll be reunited soon. So everyone was

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