Cole Rogers
I am a Sophomore student studying Electrical Engineering at Western Washington University. My interest in Engineering springs from my passion for natural sciences. I became fascinated with the ocean when I took a Survey of Oceanography
I am a Sophomore student studying Electrical Engineering at Western Washington University. My interest in Engineering springs from my passion for natural sciences. I became fascinated with the ocean when I took a Survey of Oceanography
Erica Sampaga is a senior at University of Washington, double majoring in Oceanography and Earth and Space Science: Geology. She is interested in the deep sea, hydrothermal vents, marine geology, and seafloor mapping. Erica is also a
I am a junior in the Oceanography department at the University of Washington. I am most interested in studying chemical process in the ocean, but I also find the biology around hydrothermal vents to be super intriguing. The ocean is a recent int
Hello there! My name is Jesse Turner and I am a senior in Oceanography at the University of Washington. My passions are endless, but a few of my hobbies include hiking, biking, slacklining, skiing, soccer, and juggling. I am originally from Vash
I am going into my junior year at the University of Washington and am pursuing a degree in Environmental Science alongside a marine biology minor. Currently I am interested in the ecology of marine species as well as conservation biology. During
After a successful deployment of the vertical mooring at Axial Base, the Thomas G Thompson returned to Newport, OR to reload the back deck for the next mooring deployment at Slope Base.
Creating A Shared Consciousness About the Oceans: This video was produced by College of the Environment, School of Oceanography undergraduates Katie Bigham and Jesse Turner as part of the Ocean 411 Sea Going Research and Discovery Class.
The engineering/science team and the crew of the ROV ROPOS and the R/V Thomas G. Thompson worked tirelessly and continuously for 30 hours to deploy a large and unique mooring at the base of Axial Seamount.
The questions we are now faced with are, what is this doing to the ecosystem? And, what can we do to fix it?
The main message for today’s update is an overwhelming thank you to the crew of the R/V Thompson and the ROPOS team for their hard work….