Keith Jiang
July 4, 2019 A 4 a.m. shift in the control van usually isn’t an exciting thing; you’d lose your chance to
July 4, 2019 A 4 a.m. shift in the control van usually isn’t an exciting thing; you’d lose your chance to
July 6 & 7, 2019 Well it’s finally happened. I’ve reached the point where I can no longer keep days of 24-hour
July 7, 2019 Ah, transit days. If yesterday was a feast of work, this is the famine that follows. In this case,
June 28, 2019 It was the last day of the work on the ship. The moment is bittersweet. I’m sad to not
June 28, 2019 Hey everyone, welcome back to my final blog! My last day on the ship has been bittersweet. I’ve really
June 28, 2019 Today is our last full day on the ocean and it is definitely a busy one. Since everything is
Animals in the ocean live in a world largely without structure, where food and danger can arrive from any direction at any
The latest images from the VISIONS’19 Ocean Observatories Initiative Regional Cabled Array cruise
Up and down, up and down. Even when you’re on a ship at sea, deploying unique and advanced equipment in thousands of
It’s one thing to know on an intellectual level that the Pacific Ocean is very deep, but it really sinks in (no