Seastars (Class Asteroidea), brittle stars (Class Ophiuroidea), urchins (Class Echinoidea), and sea cucumbers (Class Holothuroidea) all belong to Phylum Echinodermata. Echinoderms are plentiful, with many species occurring at Axial Seamount.
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Seastars at Axial
Two unknown species of seastars (Class Asteroidea) have been photographed at Axial.

Brittle Stars at Axial
Brittle stars belong to Class Ophiuroidea, and have radial symmetry, with five skinny arms extending from their central disc, or body.

Echinoderms at Axial Video
HD Video of seastars, brittle stars, sea cucumbers, and urchins on Axial Seamount.