Owen is a first year graduate student in Biological Oceanography at the University of Washington. He received his B.S. at Princeton studying the intricacies of lava flow geomorphology, which is his ongoing passion.
He won the 1995 National Championship in Ice Dancing as well as the 1991 Junior Olympic Champion in Cribbage at age 2. His acting debut landed him on the Price is Right. Later, he was a background extra in Dances with Wolves and in several other Kevin Costner (his hero) films.
His aspirations include becoming a Jedi Knight and battling the Giant Squid. His hobbies including organic farming of vegetable patches, sewing patchwork quilts, and riding his pet miniature donkey named Patches. His philanthropic activities center around providing Cabbage Patch dolls for the underpriviledged children of Seattle and distributing eye patches to needy pirates. His favorite place ever visited is Europa and Io is on his bucket list.
Owen is the beloved Teaching Assistant for the entire VISIONS '13 expedition and has to put up with a lot of smart-ass students and fellow instructors.