Chondrocladia Sponge
Chondrocladia Sponge (Chondrocladia lampadiglobus) A bizarre and rarely-seen carnivorous deep-sea sponge, Chondrocladia lampadiglobus (colloquially known as the “ping pong tree sponge”) can
Chondrocladia Sponge (Chondrocladia lampadiglobus) A bizarre and rarely-seen carnivorous deep-sea sponge, Chondrocladia lampadiglobus (colloquially known as the “ping pong tree sponge”) can
Salmon Shark (Lamna ditropis) A smaller relative of the great white shark, these homeothermic predators are fairly common in the northern Pacific
Larvaceans (aka Appendicularians) Larvaceans are pelagic, free-swimming tunicates, which are frequently seen in the water column at coastal and Axial Base OOI
Deep-Sea Octopus (Muusoctopus sp.) Muusoctopus is a genus of octopus found worldwide in deep, cold waters. They are generally small to medium-sized,
Zoroaster Sea Stars (Zoroaster sp.) We have encountered several species of Zoroaster sea stars, a widespread genus of mostly deep-water echinoderms, at
Sea Pens (unknown species) Sea pens (order Pennatulacea) are colonial marine cnidarians that are widely distributed in tropical and temperate waters worldwide,
Branching Bryozoans (likely Bugula sp.) Bryozoans (also known as “moss animals”) are a phylum of simple, aquatic invertebrates, nearly all living in
Velella velella (aka By-the-Wind Sailor) These bright blue, free-floating hydrozoans can be found in the open ocean in most warm and temperate
Salps (unidentified species) Salps are planktonic tunicates, and are in Phylum Chordata along with fish and all vertebrate animals! They move by
Scale Worms (Branchinotogluma tunnicliffae) Scale worms are flat-bodied, segmented polychaetes that are very commonly observed roaming through tube worms and ciliate colonies