Tag: Coastal Biology

Pedicellasterid Sea Stars

Pedicellasterid Sea Stars (unidentified species) Several species of pedicellasterid sea stars have been seen at Southern Hydrate Ridge. These carnivorous, five-armed sea

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Hippasteria Sea Star

Hippasteria Sea Star (likely Hippasteria californica) Hippasteria is a genus of sea star in the family Goniasteridae (which is very diverse), mainly

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Brisingid Sea Stars

Brisingid Sea Stars The Brisingidae are a family of deep-sea sea stars, named after Brísingamen, a necklace belonging to Freya from Norse

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Sea Pens

Sea Pens (unknown species) Sea pens (order Pennatulacea) are colonial marine cnidarians that are widely distributed in tropical and temperate waters worldwide,

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Branching Bryozoans

Branching Bryozoans (likely Bugula sp.) Bryozoans (also known as “moss animals”) are a phylum of simple, aquatic invertebrates, nearly all living in

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Bubblegum coral

Bubblegum coral (Paragorgia arborea) These soft corals in the family Paragorgiidae are commonly known as “bubblegum coral” because of the shape of

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Sunflower Sea Star

Sunflower Sea Star (Pycnopodia helianthoides) This sea star, found in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, is one of the largest sea stars in

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Sun Star

Morning Sun Star (Solaster dawsoni) These sea stars are found on either side of the North Pacific, usually in rocky habitats but

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Rockfish (Sebastes sp.) These orange or red rockfish are a common sight at Southern Hydrate Ridge (~780 meters water depth), often resting

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