End of Leg 7
Leg 7 of VISIONS ’14 was only a single dive, to deploy a cabled surface-piercing profiler at the Oregon Shelf site. This successful dive concludes the entire summer of deployments on a high note.
Leg 7 of VISIONS ’14 was only a single dive, to deploy a cabled surface-piercing profiler at the Oregon Shelf site. This successful dive concludes the entire summer of deployments on a high note.
The end of Leg 3 is approaching rapidly, and we successfully met every goal for this leg of the VISIONS14 expedition, including some originally scheduled for Leg 2. We’ll be back in Newport by morning. On to Leg 4!
We have another first to report: the first deployment of a two-legged shallow profiler mooring at the Endurance Oregon Offshore site! The mooring operations were smooth, safe, and ultimately a complete success, thanks to a remarkable run of calm weather.
The last couple of days have been a whirlwind of ROV dive and deck activity at the Endurance Oregon Offshore site (600 meters depth). As of this evening, we have deployed the Benthic Experiment Package (BEP), Digital Still Camera, and Deep Profi
Today was an especially exciting day for the Oregon State portion of the Ocean Observatories Initiative, the Endurance Array. Today we delivered the Benthic Experiment Package to the seafloor.
After the last two legs of the VISIONS '14 cruise, which took place at Slope Base and Axial Seamount, thousands of meters deep in the ocean, Leg 3 is going to take place in relatively shallow water. The Endurance Oregon Offshore site is 600