Theme I Overview of VISIONS 11

The list of topics below (and links to each related URL) is a suggested sequence in which to learn about Theme II ideas. Most links take you to a page within the VISIONS '11 website, while others connect you to other sites. You may also download the VAST Program Online Resources document (Excel spreadsheet, at left), which has the full suite of topics and links, listed for each Theme.

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Theme I: Overview of VISIONS '11

1.     VAST Program

2.     Sea-Going Research and Discovery Course

3.     VISIONS '11 Cruise Overview

4.     LIVE Video from the Seafloor and from Ship

5.     Axial Seamount

6.     Video Highlights from ENLIGHTEN '10 Expedition

7.     The R/V Thomas G. Thompson

8.     Tour of the R/V Thomas G. Thompson (Feature Video)

9.     Loading the R/V Thompson (Feature Video)

10.   Remotely Operated Vehicle ROPOS

11.   Cruise Participants

12.   How to put on an Immersion Suit (Feature Video)