Chief Scientist: Dr. John R. Delaney – University of Washington
Co-chief Scientists:
- Leg 1: Dr. Deborah Kelley – University of Washington
- Leg 2: Dr. Kendra Daly – University of South Florida
- Leg 3: Dr. Mike Vardaro – Oregon State University
- Leg 4: Dr. Deborah Kelley – University of Washington
- Leg 5: Dr. Giora Proskurowski – University of Washington
- Leg 6: Dr. Kendra Daly – University of South Florida
- Leg 7: Dr. Mike Vardaro – Oregon State University
Lead Engineer: Skip Denny
The VISIONS’14 Team onboard the R/V Thompson includes nine members of the ROV ROPOS group, and a contingent of scientists, engineers, technicians, and students that total 36. On most legs, 35 berths are full. Staffing requirements are determined for each Leg based on the tasks to be performed. In total, the 7-Leg expedition will include ~250 berths. Legs 3 and 7 are a partnership between the University of Washington and Oregon State University.
Students are integral to the cruise, standing 4-on 8-off watches in the ROPOS control lab where they have responsibility for much of the logging of dive operations and documentation with digital-still imagery. The cruise also includes educators who oversee an intense hands-on, experiential learning program for ~45 undergraduate and graduate students involved in the UW courses Ocean 411 and Ocean 497.