VISIONS 24 Live Video

Image of the Day

Arches in a collapsed lava lake near International District I. Credit: UW/NSF-OOI/WHOI; J2-1663 V24.

Daily Blog

VISIONS’24 Reflections

Kyle Brooks: VISIONS 24 has been an amazing opportunity to experience something that would otherwise have been inaccessible to me. As a STEM student at a community college, and someone who has struggled with intergenerational poverty, it often feels like I am at a substantial disadvantage when

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Calendar of Events

September 7th, 2024 09:53 local (Pacific): Unfortunately, due to high waves and fog, the ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) proved elusive, so we are back on course for Slope Base. We should be onsite and launching a CTD cast in 3-4 hours (weather permitting).

September 6th, 2024 16:49 local (Pacific): The Atlantis began its’ 18 hr steam towards Slope Base. We may try an recover a wayward ocean bottom seismometer along the way.

September 6th, 2024 08:49 local (Pacific): Jason just launched to continue the survey of Dymond and take a gas-tight sample (J2-1669). After this dive we will head to Slope Base (an 18-hour trip).

September 6th, 2024 00:29 local (Pacific): Jason is nearing the end of dive J2-1668 at the Dymond Field after sampling two sites with the UFO by Dr. R. Anderson. The next dive, J2-1669 will continue the survey of Dymond and take a gas-tight sample. The dive will start at 0830.

September 5th, 2024 13:36 local (Pacific): Jason (J2-1667) is diving to the Coquille site at the south end of Axial Caldera to recover HOBOS at the Casper and Vixen vents, and install one HOBO.

September 5th, 2024 10:17 local (Pacific): We are coming up from Jason dive J2-1666 in the CASM field where we saw a large, highly active edifice covered in very large, beautiful tubeworms. Once Jason is secured we will transit to the vents Casper and Vixen in the southern end of the caldera

September 5th, 2024 00:21 local (Pacific): Jason deployed a HOBO temperature logger at the unexpectedly active Mushroom vent in the ASHES vent field on Axial. We are now moving to Anemone to take additional UFO fluid samples.

September 4th, 2024 19:01 local (Pacific): We have successfully downloaded data from two FETCH locations (acoustic instruments for measuring the movement of the volcanic caldera at Axial). We are now arriving at the third FETCH location and then will go back to ASHES vent field.

September 4th, 2024 16:22 local (Pacific): The Atlantis is transiting to the FETCH 2504 location north of the Central Caldera site to pull data from the instrument.

September 4th, 2024 14:36 local (Pacific): Jason is out of the water and we are now sitting above a FETCH transponder 2502 on the eastern caldera wall to attempt to downoad its data. If successful, it may take 2 hours, there are two more to do.

September 4th, 2024 12:06 local (Pacific): Jason (J2-1664) is now working at Marker 33, a diffuse flow site that was covered by th 2011 eruption. Dr. Rika Anderson is continuing time series measurements of microbes an viruses in Axial Flow sites.

Yesterday, Jason (J2-1662) dove in the International District Hydrothermal Field where we took to IGT gas tight samples, installed two HOBO temperature probes – 1 in Tiny Towers and 1 at the summit of the 18 m tall vent El Guapo, and recovered a HOBO at the base of El Guapo by the Pagoda vent. The dive ended with collecting a few rock samples.

Following J2-1662, Jason dove near the Castle vent and drove down the lava channel to Skadi to look for new flow sites for possible sampling.

September 3rd, 2024 17:25 local (Pacific): Jason is about o botom for dive J2-1662. Will land the undervator near MJ03D, then transit to the vents. First stop is tiny towers.

September 3rd, 2024 16:18 local (Pacific): The OBS was successfully retrieved and secured on deck, ready to be sent back to WHOI! Jason is now about to dive at International District to take additional verification water samples at the Tiny Towers vent and to deploy some HOBO temperature sensors at select vents for PI Guangyu Xu (J2-1662).

September 3rd, 2024 09:14 local (Pacific): We have now moved to the southeastern flank of Axial Seamount where Jason will recover an ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) for WHOI PI John Collins (J2-1661), currently sitting on the seafloor at 1595 meters.

September 3rd, 2024 04:35 local (Pacific): The COVIS cable was recovered and Jason is about to reach the seafloor for a fluid sampling and survey dive from Marker 113 to the Castle vent on Axial Seamount (J2-1660).

September 2nd, 2024 18:30 local (Pacific): Jason is in the water for dive J2-1659 to recover the 50 m COVIS extension cable and 2 sonar targets in the ASHES hydrothermal field. Dive depth 1500 m.

September 2nd, 2024 16:39 local (Pacific): The ROV is back on deck and secure, and we are about to start the 1-hour transit back to ASHES vent field to collect a cable and sonar targets from an already-recovered PI project called COVIS (J2-1659). After that will be a third fluid sampling dive for PI Rika Anderson at a site called Marker 113.

September 2nd, 2024 12:01 local (Pacific): Jason is in the water for dive J2-1658 to redeploy the CTD-OPTAA tripod at 2600 m.

September 2nd, 2024 10:10 local (Pacific): Jason on deck with the Axial Base CTD-OPTAA tripod. The APL engineers will test it, and change out cables etc as necessary, and then redeploy it on dive J2-1658.

September 2nd, 2024 00:45 local (Pacific): Jason is about to arrive on deck after recoverying the CTD-OPTAA tripod from Axial Base (J2-1657) n the early morning hours, the CTD at the Eastern Caldera site was turned during dive J2-1656.

September 2nd, 2024 00:45 local (Pacific): The FETCH acoustic tripod is safely secured on deck following dive J2-1655, and we are now moving to Eastern Caldera to turn the last CTD for PI Bill Chadwick (dive J2-1656). After that we will move back to Axial Base for an instrument repair dive.

September 1st, 2024 13:04 local (Pacific): J2-1654 is complete and Jason is on deck with successful sampling with the UFO. The Atlantis is now transiting to Central Caldera to recover the FETCH.

September 1st, 2024 13:04 local (Pacific): An attempt was made to talk to the FETCH platform but was not successful. The Atlantis is transiting back to the International District to resample Tiny Towers, and will then move to the Hermosa and Pagoda (base of El Guapo) sites.

September 1st, 2024 10:09 local (Pacific): Jason is ascending after a successful dive deploying a CTD at Central Caldera and a self calibrating pressure sensor, the A-0-A. Once on deck, the ship will "talk" to the FETCH instrument.

August 31st, 2024 23:54 local (Pacific): Jason dive J2-1652 is nearing its conclusion following the CTD deployment and vent fluid sampling. Jason should be back on deck in about 2 hours, after which we will head to Central Caldera for another set of PI equipment deployments: one Chadwick CTD and the Wilcock A0A (a self-calibrating tilt meter for measuring seafloor inflation due to subsurface magma).

August 31st, 2024 17:00 local (Pacific): Jason dive J2-1652  Dive number remained the same) in the water with the  UFO sampler.

August 31st, 2024 16:13 local (Pacific): Jason recovered due to ground fault on UFO.

August 31st, 2024 15:41 local (Pacific): Jason is about to enter the water to dive (J2-1652) back at the International District to conduct vent fluids for microbial and virus analyses for Dr. Rika Andersons’ (Carleton College) NSF-funded project. The specially designed UFO sampler is on the vehicle for this work.

August 31st, 2024 15:38 local (Pacific): The dive in the International District was long, but successful in turning  the remote access fluid and microbial DNA sampler.

August 31st, 2024 01:18 local (Pacific): We are currently at International District, preparing to launch dive J2-1651, which will swap the RAS/PPS fluid sampler.

August 30th, 2024 22:10 local (Pacific): The second attempt at turning MJ03B and the Chadwick CTD  (dive J2-1650) was successful, and Jason is on its way back to the surface. Once aboard, the Atlantis will head for the International District vent field to replace the RAS/PPS fluid sampler and conduct a PI dive.

August 30th, 2024 13:14 local (Pacific): Jason will be on deck for about 1 hr while the CTD and vehicle get checked out.

August 30th, 2024 11:32 local (Pacific): Jason is being recovered as there was an issue with the CTD cable. It will likely be  few hours before the vehicle goes back into the water.

August 30th, 2024 09:21 local (Pacific): Jason dive J2-1949 is underway to turn the MJ03B junction box and Chadwick CTD. Jason will reach the seafloor in ~1 hr.

August 30th, 2024 08:14 local (Pacific): The Atlantis will be onsite at the summit of Axial Seamount in ~10 minutes. Jason dive J2-1650 will turn the medium power junction box MJ03B and CTD in the ASHES hydrothermal field (1500 m water depth). We will tour a couple of the hydrothermal vents.

August 29th, 2024 21:00 local (Pacific): The Axial Base Shallow Profiler pod is back on deck (J2-1646), and repair work will begin tonight. As that work is going on, Jason will launch on the next dive (J2-1647) to swap out a CTD and spectrophotometer (OPTAA) tripod sitting on the seafloor at 2600 m.

August 29th, 2024 16:20 local (Pacific): The Deep Profiler vehicle swap was a success, and we are now running a verification CTD cast SW of the mooring. After that we will move to the Shallow Profiler site for a recovery and repair operation (J2-1646).

August 29th, 2024 11:11 local (Pacific): Jason is descending to the dock on the Deep Profiler mooring at ~ 2600 m.

August 29th, 2024 08:27 local (Pacific): Jason is at the float at the top of the Deep Profiler.

August 29th, 2024 07:40 local (Pacific): The word was given, so J2-1645 is being prepped, the Deep Profiler vehicle is being clamped to the frame on the front of Jason, and we should be in the water shortly.

August 28th, 2024 00:04 local (Pacific): J2-1645 is on weather hold until ~0600, but will keep checking conditions.

August 28th, 2024 22:18 local (Pacific): On weather hold due to winds that have picked up. Will recheck in a couple hours, but may wait to daylight when there is more visibility.

August 28th, 2024 22:00 local (Pacific): The Atlantis just arrived on station at the Axial Base Deep Profiler mooring to being Jason dive J2-1645. The 2024 DP vehicle is on the front of Jason, ready for turning.

August 28th, 2024 13:10 local (Pacific): After the CTD cast was complete, we immediately started our transit from OR Offshore to Axial Base for the next Deep Profiler vehicle swap. The transit is a little slow due to high winds and waves, but we should arrive later tonight, around 2200, and be back in the water for the next dive at 2300.

August 27th, 2024 18:30 local (Pacific): Jason dive J2-1644 is wrapping up – the ROV is at 350 m water depth. The Deep Profiler vehicle was turned, the cable was cleaned and the docking station was turned off and repowered. Once Jason is on deck, a full water depth CTD will be completed with instrumentation including a pH sensor.

August 27th, 2024 12:07 local (Pacific): The Atlantis arrived on station for Jason dive J2-1644 at the Oregon Offshore site. The 2024 Deep Profiler vehicle will be on the front of Jason and once at depth clamped onto the wire. The cable will be cleaned and the 2023 vehicle recovered.

August 27th, 2024 08:07 local (Pacific): The Atlantis left the NOAA dock on time at 0800 and began the transit to our first dive site: Oregon Offshore (600m). Jason should be in the water (J2-1644) soon after arrival, between noon and 1300.

August 26th, 2024 19:31local (Pacific): Today was a personnel transfer in preparation for Leg 3. We will depart at 0800 tomorrow to start an ~ 4 hr transit to the Oregon Offshore site to clean a Deep Profiler cable and turn the instrumented DP vehicle. We will also conduct a CTD for follow-one instrument verification. Swarms of sable fish commonly greet us during cleaning of the cable. Bottom water depth is 580 m.

August 25th, 2024 1135 local (Pacific): The Atlantis is back in Newport, OR at the NOAA dock, beginning demobilization from Leg 2 and preparations for Leg 3, which start on Tuesday, Aug 27th.

August 25th, 2024 0610 local (Pacific): Dive J2-1643 successfully recovered the Deep Profiler vehicle and was back on deck at 0330. The Atlantis is currently transiting to Newport, OR for the end of Leg 2.

August 25th, 2024 0018 local (Pacific): Dive J2-1643 is about to launch at Slope Base to recover the Deep Profiler vehicle. The ROV should be back aboard by 0400, and the Atlantis will then depart for Newport, OR.

August 24th, 2024 1904 local (Pacific): The Atlantis is now headed to Slope Base, where Jason will launch dive J2-1643 with a special frame attached to the front of the ROV, descend to 770 meters and pluck the Deep Profiler vehicle off the cable and then return to the ship. That dive will end Leg 2 operations, and we will then return to Newport!

August 24th, 2024 1738 local (Pacific): Dive J2-1642 is continuing, now back at Southern Hydrate Ridge after surveying Pinnacle. We are characterizing the OOI infrastructure here, and then we will recover and head to Slope Base for a profiler vehicle recovery.

August 24th, 2024 1307 local (Pacific): After an unsuccessful but eventful bubble hunt at Northern Hydrate Ridge, we are now back at the Pinnacle site, west of Southern Hydrate Ridge (J2-1642). We are surveying the site to see how it has changed since we last visited in 2022. After this dive we will head to Slope Base for a profiler vehicle recovery.

August 24th, 2024 0537 local (Pacific): Jason is currently on the seafloor at Northern Hydrate Ridge for dive J2-1641. We are surveying the biology and hunting for bubbles based on the previous multibeam at this location.

August 23rd, 2024 2350 local (Pacific): Jason is back on deck following a successful photomosaic survey of Einstein’s Grotto and Smoky Caverns (J2-1640), two particularly active methane seep sites at Southern Hydrate Ridge. We are now headed for Northern Hydrate Ridge, where we will start dive J2-1641 to investigate the source of the strong plume signals we saw during last night’s multibeam survey.

August 23rd, 2024 1042 local (Pacific): Once the CTD was back onboard the Atlantis transited to Northern Hydrate Ridge where we conducted a multibeam survey to look for methane plumes. We saw three very strong plumes at the summit and plan to dive there to survey and sample them after our current dive. That dive, J2-1640, is conducting a large survey of Southern Hydrate Ridge to photo-document the changes.

August 23rd, 2024 0214 local (Pacific): The test on the Deep Profiler didn’t find any ground faults on the cable, so Jason came back up to the surface and we moved on to the next activity. The VISIONS students and the ship’s SSSG just launched CTD cast CTD005 to get data and water samples, which should take 4-5 hours to recover.

August 22nd, 2024 2140 local (Pacific): Jason has nearly reached the seafloor at Slope Base (2900 m), where we will test the cable that powers the Deep Profiler dock (dive J2-1639). If the ground fault remains, we will then recover the profiler vehicle on the next dive (J2-1640). If not, we will run a deep CTD cast at this site.

August 22nd, 2024 1819 local (Pacific): After the successful Lapham dive, Jason landed on deck and the Atlantis began heading for Slope Base, where we will dive to the base of the Deep Profiler (2900 m) and test the cable (dive J2-1639)

August 22nd, 2024 1250 local (Pacific): Jason is currently being prepped for dive J2-1638 at Southern Hydrate Ridge, where PI Laura Lapham will collect additional push core and water samples.

August 22nd, 2024 1015 local (Pacific): After dive J2-1637 to replace the repaired profiler pod, the Atlantis began transiting back to Southern Hydrate Ridge for another PI sampling dive.

August 22nd, 2024 0510 local (Pacific): Jason is currently diving at the Oregon Offshore shallow profiler mooring (dive J2-1636) to recover the profiler pod (SciP) for a sensor swap.

August 21st, 2024 2300 local (Pacific): After successful completion of PI Laura Lapham’s sampling dive J2-1634, the Atlantis has now begun to transit back to OR Offshore (600m) site to plug in the Benthic Experiment Package using a replacement cable (dive J2-1635). After that, we will attempt to recover the Shallow Profiler pod at that site to replace a sensor.

August 21st, 2024 1612 local (Pacific): Jason has just begun dive J2-1634, which is being led by Dr. Laura Lapham to recover osmotic fluid samplers and collect push cores and biological samples.

August 21st, 2024 0854 local (Pacific): Jason is currently diving at Southern Hydrate Ridge (dive J2-1633). This is the second of three dives at the summit and is aiming to deploy and recover uncabled fluid samplers.

August 20th, 2024 22:51 local (Pacific): Dive J2-1631 is heading back to the surface from Southern Hydrate Ridge with the old junction box LJ01B. After Jason and the node are back on deck, we will prepare to launch dive J2-1632 to swap out the SHR digital still camera (CAMDS).

August 20th, 2024 15:21 local (Pacific): Our EM multibeam surveys (to look for methane bubble plumes) are now complete, and we are prepping the back deck to swap out the low power junction box LJ01B at Southern Hydrate Ridge (dive J2-1631). After that we will swap out the digital still camera (CAMDS).

August 20th, 2024 12:51 local (Pacific): The Atlantis has almost finished the EM survey to Southern Hydrate Ridge. Once we are on site we will set up and do another, focused EM survey of the summit. This will likely take us until 1400 today.

August 20th, 2024 09:54 local (Pacific): The Atlantis will shortly begin doing an EM survey to look for bubble plumes on our transit from Oregon Offshore to Southern Hydrate Ridge.

August 20th, 2024 04:27 local (Pacific): Jason is currently diving again at Oregon Offshore (J2-1630), this time with an empty undervator to recover a cable that is showing degradation.

August 19th, 2024 22:26 local (Pacific): After a short pause to replace a camera on the Jason ROV, we are about to launch dive J2-1628, which will recover the OR Offshore Shallow Profiler science pod to replace a faulty engineering pressure sensor. Once the sensor is swapped, the pod will be redeployed on the following dive.

August 19th, 2024 16:34 local (Pacific): LV01C is back on deck and Jason is about to latch into the tool basket for dive J2-1627, which will swap out the digital still camera (CAMDS) at Oregon Offshore.

August 19th, 2024 10:28 local (Pacific): We have arrived at OR Offshore, and Jason is about to launch on dive J2-1626 which will swap out low voltage node LV01C.

August 19th, 2024 0712 local (Pacific): Following recovery of Jason at the end of dive J2-1625 the R/V Atlantis began transiting to the Oregon Offshore site. There we will have a series of 3 dives to swap the BEP, junction box, and camera.

August 19th, 2024 03:51 local (Pacific): Jason has just started dive J2-1625 to swap the junction box (MJ01C) at the Oregon Shelf site.

August 18th, 2024 23:31 local (Pacific): We are currently running dive J2-1624 to recover the digital still camera (CAMDS) at OR Shelf. Jason will also attempt to free the cables that are trapped under a log at this site. Following this, we will deploy a new junction box (MJ01C), which will complete operations at the 80 m site, and then transit to OR Offshore (600 m).

August 18th, 2024 19:31 local (Pacific): MJ01C is back on deck and being cleaned of anemones and other biofouling. Jason just launched dive J2-1623 to deploy the Benthic Experiment Package (BEP) LJ01D and then recover the old bioacoustic sonar (ZPLSC). That will likely take us to midnight, after which we will launch the final two dives at this site.

August 18th, 2024 15:56 local (Pacific): Jason has just begun the first dive of Leg 2 (J2-1622) at the 80 m-deep Oregon Shelf Site. The goal of this dive is to deploy the zooplankton sonar and recover MJ01C, the junction box, from the site.

August 18th, 2024 15:05 local (Pacific): We are on site at the OR Shelf (80 m), but plans have changed slightly due to the weather. The first dive (J2-1622), which will launch soon, will now deploy the bioacoustic sonar frame (ZPLSC) and recover a medium power junction box (MJ01C).

August 18th, 2024 10:21 local (Pacific): Leg 2 is ready to get underway! Currently having a safety meeting and then we will leave dock and head to the OR Shelf (80 m) site at 1230, about a 1 hour steam. The first dive (J2-1622) will deploy the Benthic Experiment Package (BEP) and recover a medium power junction box (MJ01C).

August 16th, 2024 15:36 local (Pacific): We arrived at the NOAA dock at 11:55. Demobilization and mobilization was extremely efficient and was completed before 1500. The RCA has never come in with such a full deck on a maintenance cruise. Much thanks to Larry Nielson, and the RCA and ships teams.

Tomorrow will be an in-port day with a 1230 departure on August 18 heading out to the Oregon Shelf site, which is only an hour offshore.

August 16th, 2024 10:05 local (Pacific): The Atlantis is making its way from the Oregon Shelf Site to the Y-Bouy in preparation for docking in Newport and the end of Leg 1

August 16th, 2024 03:30 local (Pacific): Jason (dive J2-1621) is just entering the water at the 80 m-deep Oregon Shelf Site with the "slurp" tool attached to clear the sediment around a log lying across cables at the site.

August 15th, 2024 18:10 local (Pacific): Jason (dive J2-1620) is just entering the water at the 80 m-deep Oregon Shelf Site with an empty undervator  to recover the digital still camera in.

August 15th, 2024 18:10 local (Pacific): The Atlantis just arrived at the Oregon Shelf site under incredibly  calm seas. Jason dive J2-1620 will got in shortly to recover the digital still camera.

August 15th, 2024 12:46 local (Pacific): Jason rising through a sea of Jellyfish with the BEP latched underneath, completing dive J2-1619. Once on deck, the Atlantis will transit 3 hrs to the Shelf site (80 m water depth) to recover additional instruments.

August 15th, 2024 10:09 local (Pacific): We arrived at the Offshore site 0950, and Jason dive J2-1619 is underway to recover the Benthic Experiment Platform at ~ 580 m water depth.

August 15th, 2024 08:42 local (Pacific): Work at Slope Base is complete for this leg after turning of the HPIES. The Atlantis left site at 0721 and is steaming to the Oregon Offshore site to recover the BEP. ETA 1030 for Jason dive J2-1619.

August 14th, 2024 23:34 local (Pacific): HPIES-2024 is released and on its way to the seafloor. J2-1618 will follow to move the HPIES-2024 adjacent to HPIES-2021. Once installed HPIES 2021 will be recovered with the belly winch underneath Jason.

August 14th, 2024 23:05 local (Pacific): Jason is on deck and HPIES is being ready to be deployed over the starboard side. It will freefall with a location transponder on it. Sjip is ~ 100 m east of HPIES 2021

August 14th, 2024 15:42 local (Pacific): Jason (J2-1617) replaced the 120 m extension cable from LV01A to the Shallow Profiler Mooring 3000 m cable on the mooring leg, resolving the ground fault issue. Jason is now putting the 2014 cable into the undervator for recovery. Following this, Jason will be recovered and an HPIES turn will then occur.

August 14th, 2024 18:21 local (Pacific): Jason dive J2-1617 is still ongoing. Jason is beginning the process to turn the 120 m-long extension cable from the low voltage junction box LV01A to the 3000m cable that provides power and bandwidth to the Shallow Profiler Mooring at Slope Base (water depth 2900 m).

August 14th, 2024 09:53 local (Pacific): The Atlantis arrived on site at 0915. Jason dive J2-1617 is in the water at 230 m. The goal of the dive is to turn conduct some tests on the Shallow Profiler and to turn the CTD-OPTAA instrument. Maybe "weird fish" will visit us again.

August 13th, 2024 16:23 local (Pacific): On our way to Slope Base.

August 13th, 2024 16:16 local (Pacific): We are testing the FETCH instrument and anticipate departing at 1530 for Slope Base – an ~17 hr steam, where we will revisit the Shallow Profiler and turn the CTD-OPTAA and HPIES instruments.

August 13th, 2024 14:21 local (Pacific): The Atlantis is now back at Central Caldera and Jason is conducting dive J2-1616. They have reinstalled and repowered the cabled FETCH acoustic tripod, which is currently being tested before a final site survey.

August 12th, 2024 21:19 local (Pacific): Dive J2-1615 is underway in the International District Hydrothermal Field just finishing up turning the digital still camera. Jason will then go look at El Guapo, the tallest chimney in the field and venting boiling fluids.

August 12th, 2024 05:00 local (Pacific): Dive J2-1614 to recover the FETCH platform is ongoing. Following this dive, dive J2-1615 will turn the digital still camera in the International District Hydrothermal Field, and conduct a survey of the vents Diva, Escargot and El Guapo where we anticipate turning a stand alone MISO temperature probe.

August 12th, 2024 19:44 local (Pacific): Dive J2-1614 to recover the FETCH platform is just underway at Central Caldera. Descent will take about 1 hour.

August 12th, 2024 18:38 local (Pacific): Ground round fault detection gear fixed. Jason lauch for dive J2-1614 to recover the FETCH platform will be at ~ 1930.

August 12th, 2024 15:48 local (Pacific): The cause of the ground fault detection failure appears to have been found – repair underway. Hoping to dive at 2000.

August 12th, 2024 15:08 local (Pacific): Atlantis is above the Central Caldera site. We are awaiting repair of the ground fault detection system on  Jason. Once it is repaired, Jason will begin dive J2-1614 at Central Caldera 

August 12th, 2024 11:41 local (Pacific): We are on hold while Jason tracks down a ground fault detection issue. When that is resolved Jason  dive J2-1614 at Central Caldera will occur to swap out the FETCH, part of an acoustic network used to measure changes in the seafloor inflation and tilt at this active underwater volcano.

August 12th, 2024 11:02 local (Pacific): Dive J2-1613 swapped out the HD video camera (CAMHD) and Osmotic Sampler (OSMO) at the ASHES hydrothermal vent field.

August 11th, 2024 17:49 local (Pacific)Jason completed dives J2-1611 and J2-1612, completing the turn of the Shallow Profiler Platform Interface Assembly and Science Pod. Jason was on deck at 1749.

August 11th, 2024 14:12 local (Pacific)Jason dive J2-1610 is ongoing at the Shallow Profiler Mooring to install the Platform Interface Assembly and to recover the Science Pod. 

August 11th, 2024 11:02 local (Pacific):  The R/V Atlantis arrived at the Axial Base ~30 minutes ago and dive J2-1610 is now underway to turn the Platform Interface Assembly on the Shallow Profiler Mooring.

August 11th, 2024 08:35 local (Pacific):  Still transiting to the base of Axial Seamount – estimated time of arrival is 10:30. Jason will recover a Platform Interface Assembly from the Shallow Profiler Mooring Platform.

August 10th, 2024 15:05 local (Pacific): Jason will soon depart the bottom. Once on deck, the R/V Atlantis will transit ~19 hrs to Axial Base to turn the platforms on the Shallow Profiler Mooring.

August 10th, 2024 11:00 local (Pacific): Jason dive J2-1609 is underway at the low voltage junction box at 2900 m water depth.

August 9th, 2024 14:55 local (Pacific): Jason is in the water beginning dive J2-1608 to turn the medium power junction box. This is a deep dive to 2900 m.

August 9th, 2024 12:36 local (Pacific): CTD 0002 is underway. Jason will go back in the water ~1430 local to swap the medium power junction box MJ01A.

August 9th, 2024 09:29 local (Pacific): Jason is taking the Science Pod down to be installed on the Slope Base Platform.

August 9th, 2024 08:15 local (Pacific): Dive J2-1606 is just wrapping up, the new PIA at the Slope Base Shallow Profiler has been deployed and the old science pod is being recovered.

August 8th, 2024 21:06 local (Pacific): Dive J2-1604 is underway at the Shallow Profiler to install the Science Pod. A 200 m CTD cast will be completed following the dive.

August 8th, 2024 19:28 local (Pacific): Dive J2-1602 successfully recovered the 2023 PIA, and dive J2-1603 (in progress) deployed the new PIA and is working on recovering the science pod (SPA) at the Oregon Offshore site.

August 8th, 2024 13:25 local (Pacific): The ship is now on station for Jason dive J2-1602 to recover the Platform Interface Assembly (PIA) and take two Niskin samples for follow-on calibration of some of the instruments.

August 8th, 2024 10:37 local (Pacific): The R/V Atlantis is now through the channel and on its way to the Oregon Offshore site.

August 8th, 2024 07:07 local (Pacific):All personnel are onboard and we anticipate a departure at ~0930, although this morning the channel is shrouded in fog. We will head out to the Oregon Offshore site to turn the two platforms on the Shallow Profiler Mooring.

August 6th, 2024 14:07 local (Pacific): We just completed loading most of the large equipment onto the back deck of the R/V Atlantis in Newport, OR. Tomorrow we will load the HD video camera and JASON undervator, and then we’ll be nearly ready for departure!

July 12th, 2024 15:38 local (Pacific): Cruise preparation is underway, and gear is being sent to our logistics facility for imminent shipping to Newport. Mobilization will begin August 6th. More updates soon!