While OOI scientists at sea on the R/V Thompson for VISIONS '11 are conducting work at Hydrate Ridge and Axial Seamount, Cecile Durand, OOI Maintenance Operations Manager, University of Washington, is onboard the TE SubCom Global Sentinel as OOI cable-laying operations are completed. Cecile reports from sea:
According to my calculations, today, August 29, 2011, is day 63 of the OOI cable installation. We had a short and unexpected break in Portland, Oregon, between August 24-27 due to the failure of the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) carried onboard the TE SubCom Dependable. We have now relocated operations to the TE SubCom Global Sentinel with a different ROV and are ready to complete the remaining post-lay burial operations.
The Sentinel headed back down the Columbia River on the 28th towards our cable-lay work area offshore Newport, Oregon. We have an estimated 8-10 days of work left, after which we will be heading to port in Vancouver BC. This will mark the end of our cable-installation operations.
The weather is still very good, and we hope to make quick progress.