Student Application: Please Join Us On the VISIONS 2020 Seagoing Expedition
We are looking for students interested in the UW Sea-Going Research and Discovery course (OCEAN 411). This at-sea course will provide you
We are looking for students interested in the UW Sea-Going Research and Discovery course (OCEAN 411). This at-sea course will provide you
In ancient Greece, the Pythia was the oracle at Delphi who sat in a temple built above a seismic fissure and ‘prophesized’
This summers’ Regional Cabled Array (RCA) 44-day expedition set a record for operational infrastructure, number of Jason dives and logistics. The RCA
I never drank coffee until I became a teacher. Fourteen years of teaching and now I look forward to my cup of coffee every morning. It isn’t the taste or smell I look forward to. Routine brings me comfort.
On June 30, during the orientation and safety meeting for Leg 4 of Visions ‘19, I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket. It rang for a long time.
At 3 am on any given day of VISIONS’19, you can be sure that a lively scene is unfolding under a spinning disco ball inside a blue shipping container on the Atlantis’s focsle deck.
This is a ship I cannot sleep on. Everything is different from being on land. The rolling of the waves, noises of the engine, sloshing sounds of waves against the hull, echoing of a 24-hour working metal city, and shared “head” for 5 people that sounds like it is situated right by my pillow.
On the surface, 300 miles offshore of Oregon, the R/V Atlantis is surrounded on all sides by deep blue water and rolling
July 6 & 7, 2019 Well it’s finally happened. I’ve reached the point where I can no longer keep days of 24-hour
Animals in the ocean live in a world largely without structure, where food and danger can arrive from any direction at any