Author: Deborah Kelley

Katie Gonzalez

July 6 & 7, 2019 Well it’s finally happened. I’ve reached the point where I can no longer keep days of 24-hour

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Sheep in the Deep

Animals in the ocean live in a world largely without structure, where food and danger can arrive from any direction at any

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The Long Drop

It’s one thing to know on an intellectual level that the Pacific Ocean is very deep, but it really sinks in (no

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Mushroom Hunting

Excitement mounted as Jason descended slowly through blue Pacific waters. As the vehicle approached 1500 meters depth, more and more people crowded

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Chelsea Meier

June 17, 2019: On June 16th, 2019 my day began with a student meeting. During the meeting we discussed proper shift behavior,

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Lauren Schmahl

June 17, 2019 It’s crazy to believe that today is day six on the boat, meaning the cruise is almost over. We

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Stephen Bray

July 17, 2019: What is this blog number five? Sure, why not I’m sticking with it. Anyways, today was pretty busy overall

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