Salps (unidentified species) Salps are planktonic tunicates, and are in Phylum Chordata along with fish and all vertebrate animals! They move by
Salps (unidentified species) Salps are planktonic tunicates, and are in Phylum Chordata along with fish and all vertebrate animals! They move by
Scale Worms (Branchinotogluma tunnicliffae) Scale worms are flat-bodied, segmented polychaetes that are very commonly observed roaming through tube worms and ciliate colonies
Palm Worms (Paralvinella sp.) Paralvinella sp. are commonly known as Palm Worms. They have feather-like gills that look like palm fronds, which
Ridgeia Tubeworm (Ridgeia piscesae) Ridgeia piscesae is a tube worm found in a variety of environments on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
Graneledone Octopus (Graneledone boreopacifica) The largest octopus observed at Axial Seamount, Graneledone boreopacifica, is very curious and fairly common on the lava
Unidentified Nudibranch Nudibranchs (also known as sea slugs) are a type of shell-less mollusk in class Gastropoda that are often equipped with
Glob Snail (Depressigyra globulus) The second most dominant species of Gastropod at Axial Seamount is the Glob Snail. These tiny snails with
Juan de Fuca Limpet (Lepetodrilus fucensis) Limpets are a group of marine snails, members of Class Gastropoda. Lepetodrilus fucensis, often referred to
Roughtail Skate (Bathyraja trachura) Bathyraja trachura, also known as the Roughtail Skate, is a species of skate found all across the North
Deep Sea Skate (Bathyraja abyssicola) Bathyraja abyssicola, the Deep Sea Skate, also known as the Abyssal Skate, is a relatively rare species