Sablefish (aka Black Cod)
Sablefish (Anoploma fimbria) Sablefish (also known as Black Cod) are grey in color with two dorsal fins and a broad round head.
Sablefish (Anoploma fimbria) Sablefish (also known as Black Cod) are grey in color with two dorsal fins and a broad round head.
Eelpouts The eelpout is similar in appearance to an eel, with long slender bodies and dorsal and anal fins connected to the
Fierce Snailfish (Genioliparis ferox) The Genioliparis ferox is an extremely rare fish, having only been sighted four times, and filmed twice since
Dover Sole (Microstomus pacificus) The Dover Sole is a Pacific flatfish in the flounder family which ranges from Baja California to the
Deep-Sea Sole (Embassichthys bathybius) The Deep-Sea Sole is a bathydemersal flatfish. It lives along the sea floor and has both its eyes
Unknown Sea Cucumber 2 (Paelopatides sp.) or (Benthodytes sp.) Sea cucumbers of Paelopatides species can be confused with species of Benthodytes, and
Unknown Sea Cucumber This particular sea cucumber was seen near the seafloor at Slope Base, “swimming” in the water column at a
Flabellid Coral (Javania sp.?) These corals in the family Flabellidae (possibly a species of Javania) were found encrusting the 200 meter platform
Deepstaria enigmatica The Deepstaria enigmatica, observed over Axial Seamount, is translucent and resembles a lampshade. This specimen was approximately 30 cm in
Fried Egg Jelly (Phacellophora cantschatica) The Fried Egg Jellyfish is a large jelly, normally found drifting in the upper portions of the