Category: Biology Catalog


Eelpouts The eelpout is similar in appearance to an eel, with long slender bodies and dorsal and anal fins connected to the

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Dover Sole

Dover Sole (Microstomus pacificus) The Dover Sole is a Pacific flatfish in the flounder family which ranges from Baja California to the

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Deep-Sea Sole

Deep-Sea Sole (Embassichthys bathybius) The Deep-Sea Sole is a bathydemersal flatfish. It lives along the sea floor and has both its eyes

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Unknown Sea Cucumber 2

Unknown Sea Cucumber 2 (Paelopatides sp.) or (Benthodytes sp.) Sea cucumbers of Paelopatides species can be confused with species of Benthodytes, and

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Unknown Sea Cucumber

Unknown Sea Cucumber This particular sea cucumber was seen near the seafloor at Slope Base, “swimming” in the water column at a

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Flabellid Coral

Flabellid Coral (Javania sp.?) These corals in the family Flabellidae (possibly a species of Javania) were found encrusting the 200 meter platform

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Deepstaria enigmatica

Deepstaria enigmatica The Deepstaria enigmatica, observed over Axial Seamount, is translucent and resembles a lampshade. This specimen was approximately 30 cm in

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Fried Egg Jelly

Fried Egg Jelly (Phacellophora cantschatica) The Fried Egg Jellyfish is a large jelly, normally found drifting in the upper portions of the

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Big Red Jelly

Big Red Jelly (Tiburonia granrojo) Tiburonia granrojo, also known as the Big Red Jelly, is a unique species of jellyfish found in

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