A Fine Field Season It Was
The Cabled Array VISIONS’15 cruise is now complete – it was an amazing 35 days at sea onboard the R/V Thompson using the remotely operated vehicle ROPOS for the first Cabled Array Operations and Maintenance cruise f
The Cabled Array VISIONS’15 cruise is now complete – it was an amazing 35 days at sea onboard the R/V Thompson using the remotely operated vehicle ROPOS for the first Cabled Array Operations and Maintenance cruise f
The last leg of VISIONS'15 has been focused on servicing parts of the OOI Endurance Array. We are using many of the same technologies deployed at Axial Volcano and Hydrate Ridge to make observations in the Coastal Ocean. The Endu
The term “roller coaster” invokes images of violent undulating motions that peak and ebb and almost certainly force objects in directions that may be resisted but rarely overcome. But the term is also often used
Today marks the end of Leg 2, and beginning of Leg 3 for the Cabled Array VISIONS’15 cruise. It has been a wonderful run so far. Over this past 26 days, the Cabled Array Team working with the R/V Thompson and ROPOS crew have recovered and
At 1933 PST July 26, 2015 after descending ~1840 m beneath the oceans surface, the remotely operated vehicle ROPOS and the University of Washington Ocean Observatories Initiative Cabled Array team set first eyes on the April 24th, 2015
The R/V Thompson continues to have incredibly busy days as she and her crew finish operations and maintenance for the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Cabled Array. We are in our final days of Leg 2 of this three Leg expedition. Yes
Yesterday and today, the team from the University of Washington Applied Physics Lab (APL) has been working long hours on Deep Profiler Moorings that feature an instrumented wire crawler connected to the Internet. These crawlers are designed to p
After spending two days with our “feet on the ground,” the R/V Thompson once again pulled away from the dock in Newport, Oregon to begin the second Leg of the NSF-OOI Cabled Array VISIONS’15 expedition. The port call w
The R/V Thompson sailed into Newport, Oregon yesterday morning under much calmer seas than she had experienced the previous two days. It is always an exciting time to come through the channel, under the beautiful Yaquina Bay bridge, and
The R/V Thompson has been a hive of activity the past 24 hrs with dives at the methane seeps at Southern Hydrate Ridge, the recovery of science pods on the Shallow Profilers at the Oregon Endurance Offshore site, a dive at the Shallow W