Category: Instruments

3D Thermistor Array

A custom thermistor array includes four stacked triangular arrays with 24 individual temperature measurement points, providing a three-dimensional distribution of temperature.

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Broadband Hydrophone

There are four broadband hydrophones on the Cabled Array – at the Oregon Shelf and Offshore sites where they are cabled to the Benthic Experiment Packages, and two are located on the Platform Interface Assemblies on the Shallow Profiler Moorings

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Benthic Fluid Flow Meters

Benthic flow meters measure the velocity of seawater flowing into the seafloor and methane-rich fluids issuing from sediments at methane seep sites at Southern Hydrate Ridge.

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CTD: Conductivity, Temperature, Depth

A CTD is an instrument used to determine how conductivity (C) and temperature (T) measurements in the ocean vary relative to depth (D) and is a primary tool for measuring physical properties of the ocean.  Salinity is determined from electr

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Optical Backscatter Sensor

Optical backscatter sensors measure the amount of suspended material in the water column, including live phytoplankton, microscopic animals, and detrital (non-living) particles. In coastal regions, suspended inorganic material, such as clays and

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Current Meters

The curent meter (tripod with red legs) measures local currents and temperature. When deployed in conjunction with a nearby broadband seismomtete

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