Unit 1: Plate Tectonics and Volcanoes
Plate Tectonics and VOlcanoes Lessons - MIDDLE SCHOOL UNIT
Candace Barich, John Sedgwick Middle School; Iva-Jade Tyre, Neah Bay School; Christine Spaulding, Stevens Middle School; Dr. Kareen Borders, South Kitsap School District; Dr. Deborah Kelley, University of Washington
Plate tectonics drives the face of our planet. Within the oceans, seafloor spreading results in the longest mountain chain on Earth, accounting for >70% of volcanism on Earth. Within these dynamic environments, hidden beneath the waves, are some of the most extreme environments known – underwater hot springs hosting novel organisms that thrive off of volcanic gases. In this series of lesson plans, students will:
- Learn ocean floor structure vocabulary as they diagram and sculpt the ocean floor.
- Investigate the relationship between plate tectonics and volcanoes
- Develop an understanding for how underwater volcanoes are formed, conditions of water located near underwater volcanoes, and of some of the underwater volcanoes’ structures.
- Understand some of the instruments that measure sea floor changes
- Explain Axial Seamount, where it is located, how it was formed, what makes it a unique ocean floor feature, life at the site, data tools used to collect information on Axial Seamount, and why it is important for us to understand this underwater volcano.