Plumose Metridium Anemones
Plumose Anemone (Metridium farcimen) These large, fluffy-looking white (or occasionally orange) anemones are often found on OOI infrastructure in shallow coastal waters
Plumose Anemone (Metridium farcimen) These large, fluffy-looking white (or occasionally orange) anemones are often found on OOI infrastructure in shallow coastal waters
Unknown Anemone 3 This small, orange-hued anemone is quite squat and nearly flat, with short tentacles. It may be of the type
Unknown Anemone 2 This small anemone was found at Axial Base, inhabiting the soft, pelagic muds. Its body, or column, is short,
Unknown Anemone 1 This species has been seen clinging to lava rocks on more than a few occasions. It is often pale
Pom Pom Anemone (Liponema brevicornis) The Pom Pom Anemone actually looks like a pom pom. It has a circular or oblong shaped
Deep Sea Anemone (Unknown sp.) Anemones are sessile polyps; they spend most of their lifetime attached to rocks or coral reefs via
Venus Flytrap Anemone (Actinoscyphia sp.) The Venus Flytrap Anemone resembles the carnivorous plant found on land, with short tentacles surrounding a folded,
Corallimorph anemone (Corallimorphus sp.) The corallimorph anemone or mushroom anemones are similar to sea anemones. They lack a calcareous skeleton but also