Yash Meghare’s Blogs Leg 4
The dive involved recovering THSPH and taking some temperatures of vent flows.
The dive involved recovering THSPH and taking some temperatures of vent flows.
During the UW-NSF-OOI VISIONS'18 Cabled Array expedition, 23 undergraduate and graduate students from across the US and globe will participate in at-sea activities. For many, this will be their first time at sea. Below, they share their expe
The goals to be accomplished during the annual Cabled Array maintenance cruises are based primarily on the required refurbishment schedules for the various components of the CA infrastructure.
The arrival of the RV Revelle at the NOAA dock in Newport shortly after noon local time on July 11th signaled the beginning of the intricate dance of offloading equipment recovered during Leg 2
Today’s deployment was of the EOM cable with its anchor and two cages with plug-ins to connect other equipment to.
The morning started with our arrival in Newport. It was very foggy and gave an eerie feeling as we pulled closer to the jetty, but once we saw land it was beautiful.
During the UW-NSF-OOI VISIONS’18 Cabled Array expedition, 23 undergraduate and graduate students from across the US and globe
The mechanical leg and the platform of the two-legged mooring was successfully installed today. This meant that Jason is allowed to install the two science packages onto the platform.
I’ve really enjoyed the opportunities we’ve had to work on deck this leg; using the equipment gives a much better understanding of the theory we learn in school.
Back at the ship we ate some late dinner and watched Planet Earth. It was a great way to end a great trip. I’m hopeful I will have the opportunity to come again