Off to Sea We Go
The Ocean Observatories Cabled Array team from the UW School of Oceanography is about to set off on another 47-day exciting expedition
The Ocean Observatories Cabled Array team from the UW School of Oceanography is about to set off on another 47-day exciting expedition
Hands down, the bridge has the best view on the entire ship. You can see for miles and miles in every direction—it’s really something.
Days 3 and 4 of the final leg of the 2017 OOI Cabled Array O&M Cruise were filled with a wide variety of activities. Jason Dive J2-1007 visited the International District Hydrothermal Field
we were able to wrap up the day when a huge quantity of porpoises and multiple whales crossed our path.
The final leg of the 2017 OOI Cabled Array Cruise got underway at approximately 12:30 pm PDT on Sunday as the R/V Revelle pulled away from the NOAA dock in Newport, OR
It was pretty cool when some of us came back and sifted through the animals and being able to take a look at what we found.
Today was my first time going outside to explore the boat. I did not realize how big the ship is.
Luckily, the monotonous deployment and recovery of 2900 meters of cable was punctuated by the emergence of two sharks.