End of VISIONS 13 Leg 3
Leg 3 of VISIONS ’13 is rapidly drawing to a close as we near the mouth of Yaquina Bay and the OSU dock at Newport, Oregon. The cruis
Leg 3 of VISIONS ’13 is rapidly drawing to a close as we near the mouth of Yaquina Bay and the OSU dock at Newport, Oregon. The cruis
The “Old Women by the Sea” poem by Pablo Neruda; the “I’ve known rivers” words of poet Langston Hughes. A song about a love potion gone awry.
Today was the last dive at Axial Seamount to survey one of the secondary cables and pick up the junction box we used for testing before we batten
We’ve been treated to some amazing seafloor scenery over the past day and night as ROPOS has surveyed sites and then deployed instruments i
There’s excitement ricocheting around the ship as word spreads that our small network of instruments—two seismometers and one bottom-
Overcoming unexpected challenges is part of any oceanographic cruise. On Tuesday, 23 July, the VISIONS ’13 team was presented with an unexp
Not long after completing the 18-hour transit to the Eastern Caldera site on Axial Seamount, ROV ROPOS was successfully launched over the side of
Leg 2 of the VISIONS ’13 cruise ended at 09:00 on July 18 when the Thompson tied up at the NOAA Marine Operations Center dock in Newport, O
With the OOI regional cabled observatory team working at sea on the R/V Thompson, another OOI expedition set sail yesterday from the Uni
On July 15, we completed installation of 15,364 feet (4683 meters) of fiber optic extension cable on the summit of Axial Seamount from Primary Node 3B