Pythias Oasis Student Blog: Steven Karaduzovic
When I first got on the boat, I felt like a kid. I was overcome with a sense of awe and curiosity.
When I first got on the boat, I felt like a kid. I was overcome with a sense of awe and curiosity.
This summers’ Regional Cabled Array (RCA) 44-day expedition set a record for operational infrastructure, number of Jason dives and logistics. The RCA
I never drank coffee until I became a teacher. Fourteen years of teaching and now I look forward to my cup of coffee every morning. It isn’t the taste or smell I look forward to. Routine brings me comfort.
On June 30, during the orientation and safety meeting for Leg 4 of Visions ‘19, I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket. It rang for a long time.
At 3 am on any given day of VISIONS’19, you can be sure that a lively scene is unfolding under a spinning disco ball inside a blue shipping container on the Atlantis’s focsle deck.
This is a ship I cannot sleep on. Everything is different from being on land. The rolling of the waves, noises of the engine, sloshing sounds of waves against the hull, echoing of a 24-hour working metal city, and shared “head” for 5 people that sounds like it is situated right by my pillow.
On the surface, 300 miles offshore of Oregon, the R/V Atlantis is surrounded on all sides by deep blue water and rolling
When thinking about the ocean, most people picture either the shore and the surface (beaches, waves, sunshine, fishing, etc.) or the seafloor
The last piece of equipment to be deployed on Leg 3 was the CH4-BMFC, which is a collaborative project between Oregon State
For the second year in a row, a team from the MARUM institute at the University of Bremen, Germany, joined the OOI