Matthew Munson’s Blogs Leg 3
I’ve really enjoyed the opportunities we’ve had to work on deck this leg; using the equipment gives a much better understanding of the theory we learn in school.
I’ve really enjoyed the opportunities we’ve had to work on deck this leg; using the equipment gives a much better understanding of the theory we learn in school.
Back at the ship we ate some late dinner and watched Planet Earth. It was a great way to end a great trip. I’m hopeful I will have the opportunity to come again
Leland, Emilio, Ashley and I helped prime the CTD. In a word, OUCH. The tops and bottoms of each individual cylinder of the CTD are secured by really strong springs.
Every person on the Roger Revelle were/are incredibly welcoming and often hilarious, even when I was sea-sick I still felt at home aboard the ship
he goal of this dive was to install the profiler and PIA onto the mooring platform. The PIA was first and went in without a hitch.
The van is dark and quiet except for the pilots measured tones; they sit silhouetted by a wall of screens showing a strange world 1500 meters deep.
Last night’s shift in the ROV control van proved to be another memorable experience.
During the night shift we saw an octopus under the CAMDS-2017. It followed Jason
Today has been another great day aboard the R/V Revelle
Now that we are at Slope Base, I have noticed how different the water and biology is here