Image Archive

Stalked tunicates (Culeolus sp.) attached to the cage around the electronics on the Slope Base Shallow Profiler Mooring cable. Photo Credit: NSF-OOI/UW/WHOI; Dive J2-1617; V24

A flytrap anemone (Actinoscyphia sp.) attached itself to the W6 cable connector on one of the Slope Base junction boxes. Photo Credit: NSF-OOI/UW/WHOI; Dive J2-1617; V24

Stalked tunicates (Culeolus sp.) attached to the cage around the electronics on the Slope Base Shallow Profiler Mooring cable. Photo Credit: NSF-OOI/UW/WHOI; Dive J2-1617; V24

Day in Life Poster

Map of Axial Caldera showing the location of RCA core infrastructure and instrumentation, and PI-provided instrumentation in 2024. Credit: D. Kelley, University of Washington.

Elena and I at the beach, Credit: R. An, University of Washington; V24.

Sand hoppers eating jelly at the beach, Credit: C. Rasgaitis, University of Washington; V24.

Landslide warning sign at the beach, Credit: C. Rasgaitis, University of Washington; V24.

Stargazing, Credit: C. Rasgaitis, University of Washington; V24.

Snail graveyard photo, Jason dive J2-1642. Credit: UW/NSF-OOI/WHOI; V24

Fig 2: Catherine Rasgaitis on the bridge. Credit: E. Duarte, University of Washington; V24.

Skate photo, Jason dive J2-1641. Credit: UW/NSF-OOI/WHOI; V24.

Leg 2 students process sediment cores from Southern Hydrate Ridge. Credit; University of Washington, A. Paley, V24.

Brown-yellow iron-oxide colored spires (left) bound biological habitats similar to those at the summit of Axial Seamount. Credit: UW/NSF-OOI/WHOI; J2-1668, V24.

VISIONS'24 and RCA team members gather on the Atlantis for a group photo at the end of Leg 3. Credit: James Tilley, University of Washington, V24.

The Alvin cup, shrunk during the second CTD cast at almost 2,000 m. Credit: Morrigan Havely, University of Washington, V24.

The puzzle Victoria and I finished. Credit: Morrigan Havely, University of Washington, V24.

An example of the many textures of the organisms inhabiting Dymond. Somewhat hidden in there are sea spiders, a variety of organism I was very excited to see for the first time. Credit: UW/NSF-OOI/WHOI; J2-1668; V24.

A very odd and alien looking creature. Credit: UW/NSF-OOI/WHOI; J2-1663; V24.

Tubeworm’s hemoglobin-rich gills create an astonishing texture in high densities. Credit: UW/NSF-OOI/WHOI; J2-1669; V24.

An action shot of Jason probing a vent, this one looks especially like a psychedelic inspired album cover. Credit: UW/NSF-OOI/WHOI; J2-1669; V24.

An array of skinny tubeworms sprout from a venting fracture in the seafloor. Credit: UW/NSF-OOI/WHOI; J2-1663, V24.

Cups Credit: J. Teal., Peninsula College, V24.

Totoro Top Credit: J. Teal, Peninsula College, V24.

SensUS ApparatUS Credit: J. Teal, Peninsula College, V24.

Under the Sea. Credit: John R Teal Jr., Peninsula College, V24

Fleeting Dolphin. Credit: John R. Teal Jr., Peninsula College, V24

Sunrise on RV Atlantis. Credit: J. Teal Jr, Peninsula College, V24.
- Anemone
- Animal
- Arthropod
- Axial
- Axial Base
- Axial Biology
- Axial Caldera
- Bacteria
- Basalt Lava
- Biofouling
- Biology
- Camds
- Camera
- Camhd
- Central Caldera
- Ciliates
- Cnidaria
- Coastal Biology
- Crab
- Deep Profiler Mooring
- Dive Highlights
- Eastern Caldera
- Echinoderms
- Endurance Array
- Exploratorium
- Fish
- Geology
- HD Camera
- Hydrate Ridge
- Hydrates
- Hydrophone
- Hydrothermal Vents
- Illustration
- Inshore 80 Meters
- Instrument
- International District
- Jason
- Jellyfish
- Junction Box
- K12
- Lava
- Mollusk
- Moorings
- Nodes
- Nudibranch
- Octopus
- Oregon Offshore
- Oregon Offshore 600 m
- Oregon Shelf
- Oregon Slope Base
- People
- PN1B
- PN1D
- Polychaetes
- Primary Node
- ROPOS Dives
- RV Revelle
- RV Sikuliaq
- RV Thompson
- Salp
- Sample
- SC13
- Sea Cucumber
- Sea Star
- Sea Urchin
- Seafloor
- Seismometer
- Sensors
- Shallow Profiler Mooring
- Shark
- Shipboard
- Shore Station
- Slope Base
- Smoker
- Soft Coral
- Southern Hydrate Ridge
- Sponge
- Squid
- Students
- Tmpsf
- Tubeworms
- VISIONS 11 Leg 1
- VISIONS 11 Leg 2
- VISIONS 11 Viewers
- Visualization