Discovering a Life at Sea and Peace
My last cruise gave me an idea of what it is like to have a hands-on experience and be involved with science
My last cruise gave me an idea of what it is like to have a hands-on experience and be involved with science
The days are flying by for the 2020 Regional Cabled Array maintenance cruise – the end is almost in sight. This year,
The Regional Cabled Array, ROV Jason and R/V Thomas G. Thompson ship crew have had a very busy start to Leg 2
Yesterday, the RCA team saw shore again for the first time after nearly two weeks at sea. The R/V Thompson sailed into
The weather gods have been a bit finicky this year, and showing their power this past week by creating large swells that
It has been a very busy few days onboard the R/V Thompson. Since leaving port just only one week ago, the RCA
On August 4th, 2020 the RCA and Jason teams completed turning of the instrumented Platform Interface Assemblies and winched Science Pods on
On August 1, the R/V Thomas G. Thompson, hosting the remotely operated vehicle Jason departed for Leg 1 of the National Science
The Interactive Oceans Data Portal is an interface designed to provide scientists, educators, and students easy access to Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI)