For over two decades, the University of Washington has enabled at-sea experiences for undergraduate and graduate students through cruise participation. The UW has continued its commitment to the OOI Regional Cabled Array effort through use of the 274′ global class Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson and other UNOLS blue water ships e.g. this year students will sail on the Thompsons’ sister ship, the R/V Roger Revelle. Each year, as many as 45 undergraduate and graduate students work and study alongside UW researchers, engineers, and the ship’s crew to learn all aspects of seagoing research, ship operations, and life aboard an oceanographic research vessel. Over 100 students have participated in this discovery program. During the cruises, students develop projects around the use of robotic vehicles, mapping, and linkages among geological, biological, chemical, and physical oceanographic processes. Students share their experiences with the public through daily blogs and through the development of engagement projects. The VISIONS’18 cruise continues this tradition of taking students to sea.

Riah Buchanan
Riah Buchanan is a PhD student at the Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS). Her research focuses on the visual aspects of data collection in hybrid human/animal/machine networks in wilderness areas. She is interested in the vi

Evan Davis
Evan Davis is an undergraduate geology student at California State University Chico. He is a Junior with interest in volcanology, igneous petrology, and planetary geology related to magmatic processes. Evan recently presented his first research

Jasmine Durant
Jasmine Durant is a Grays Harbor College graduate and will be transferring to Washington State University Vancouver to continue her undergraduate work. Her goals are to earn her PhD in biology and

Brison Grey
My name is Brison, and I have just finished my Junior year in the Oceanography Dept. at the University of Washington. I have been involved with a year long internship with the REU program in which I proved that zooplankton are consuming micro pl

Katie Keil
I am a second year Masters student in the School of Marine and Environmental Affairs and Program on Climate Change at the University of Washington. My research interests are diverse, but my current work involves creating a sensitivity index of p

Amy Larsen
Amy grew up watching Robert Ballard documentaries and visiting many ships
and maritime museums. She is very excited to work with Jason because as a
child she was fascinated with Jason Jr. Amy will be a Junior in Oceanography

Bing Yu Lee
My name is Bing Yu Lee, a junior majoring in geology and oceanography at the University of Washington. As an international student from Malaysia, I am fortunate to be born in a fishing family, which is where my connection t

Terrie Manning
At 20, my goal was to be an at-sea oceanographer, but that changed when I met my husband. Thirty-eight years later, we are still happily married and our daughter, a UW SAFS Master's student, has inspired me to continue my formal education. V

Yashwant Meghare
I am Yashwant (Yash), senior at UW School of Oceanography. I like to study the Geo-chemical aspects of it. I am inclined towards climate sciences and I think that understanding geochemistry of the oceans is a big step towards studying climate ch

Matthew Munson
Matthew is a sophomore mechanical engineering major at UW Bothell with interests in ocean engineering and HVAC. He’s involved in research on hydrophones, which are to be used on a buoy deployed in Lake Washington to study the effect of tra

Spencer Nelson
My name is Spencer Nelson, and I am a junior studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Washington Bothell. Working as a bicycle mechanic got me excited to pursue engineering. I am excited to learn more about the ocean on the Visions&#

Elizabeth Pesar
Hey, I’m Liz! I’m a Maryland native pursuing a degree in Geology at Queens College, CUNY. I’ve previously been involved in research dating zircon grains for a study, performing petrological analyses of chondrite meteorites with

Rachel Scott
Rachel Scott will be a 5th year senior in the Fall of 2019. She is pursuing a degree in the School of Oceanography with a focus in Marine Technology as well as in the Department of Marine Biology with a focus in Intertidal Ecology. Rachel was fo

Emilio Tesin
I am an undergraduate Geology student at Queens College CUNY. I am interested in studying about the intersection of submarine topography and geology. I had my first taste of oceanography when I had the opportunity to join a research cruise in th

Theresa Whorley
Theresa Whorley is a graduate student studying marine geology and geochemistry at the University of Washington’s School of Oceanography. She received her B.S. degree in Geology from the University of South Florida and is currently research

Leland Wood
My name is Leland Wood. I just completed my first year at the University of Washington with an ambition to major in Oceanography and minor in marine biology and chemistry. Coming from Newport, Oregon, I grew up on the ocean and

Eve Hudson
My name is Eve Hudson. I am a 2018 high school graduate but will be enrolled at the University of Washington Seattle campus for Autumn quarter where plan to major in Environmental Science. I am passionate about the environment and learning more